

We invite you to discover a treasure trove of information that goes beyond medical facts, offering a holistic view of nurturing your child's health. Our blog is a place where knowledge meets experience, providing you with valuable resources and a deeper understanding of the many facets of raising a healthy and happy child. Join us on this journey of exploration and empowerment as we share our passion for holistic care and growth.


We invite you to discover a treasure trove of information that goes beyond medical facts, offering a holistic view of nurturing your child's health. Our blog is a place where knowledge meets experience, providing you with valuable resources and a deeper understanding of the many facets of raising a healthy and happy child. Join us on this journey of exploration and empowerment as we share our passion for holistic care and growth.

The Magical Evening Routine

May 7, 2020

If you haven’t experienced it yet, you’ve heard of it…bedtime meltdown. It can range from fussiness to hours long stand-offs that comedian Jim Gaffigan once referred to as a “hostage situation in reverse. I’ll give you anything, if you just go back in there!” Once the situation has devolved into bribes and tears, it may be time to embrace a full evening bedtime routine.

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What is a Holistic Pediatrician?

April 30, 2020

A holistic pediatrician is a type of medical doctor which embraces a philosophy of the whole person. We respect the child as more than just a patient or a problem to be solved. We believe in partnering with families on their wellness journey.

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How to Wear PPE During COVID-19

April 23, 2020

Over the last few months, as COVID-19 has taken hold of the world, we have heard lots about the use of personal protective equipment, PPE. The use of PPE is easy to get right if you follow a few simple steps to make sure you stay free from contamination during the current pandemic.

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teddy bear sitting on bench

Outside Activities for Social Distancing Kids

April 16, 2020

We can all agree that physical activity is important for health and wellbeing. However, it is important to encourage kids to follow the recommended guidelines right now to avoid the spread of Coronavirus. Social distancing doesn’t have to mean staying cooped up indoors.

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mother and two children looking at a tablet

Parenting Through a Crisis

April 9, 2020

Like an oxygen mask dropping down in a turbulent airplane, grace must be affixed to yourself first. Children don’t come with a manual, and parenting during a crisis can be incredibly difficult and no one is doing it perfectly. 

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girl sitting alone on a pier

Recipes for Cough, Cold and COVID-19 Season

April 2, 2020

We hope you are all staying home and staying safe to the best of your abilities. Our hearts and thanks go out to all the other essential business owners and employees keeping everything running. We have a special place in our hearts for those of you holding down the fort at home with your little ones.

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woman holding a phone

Introducing Virtual Appointments

March 25, 2020

We are excited to introduce our virtual appointment option. During this time of uncertainty, there are certain types of appointments that don’t require an in-person visit. It is difficult to maintain a safe distance from others in a busy waiting room, so if you have the following situations, virtual is a great option:

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silhouette of person sitting on pier looking at lake and mountains

Keeping Calm During Stressful Times

March 17, 2020

Take a deep breath and count to 10. Exhale. Now, pick a part of your body to try to relax. Breathe in as slowly as you can, while focusing on relaxing that piece of yourself. Exhale through your mouth, again as slowly as you can. Pick another part of your body. Repeat until you are completely relaxed.

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girl running through field

Exercise and Mental Health

March 10, 2020

As holistic pediatricians, we want to look at the whole person when it comes to improving the general health of our patients. Mental health is key in having a healthy, happy life. We all know exercise is good for our bodies, but did you know it is good for your mind, as well?

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