What is Chicken Pox?
Chickenpox is one of the most common infections occurring among children.
- Fever
- Red itchy skin rash on the face, the back, and the abdomen
- Headache
- Stomachache
- Nausea/vomiting
Fortunately, due to the development of vaccines, the incidence of chickenpox has significantly declined over the years. As the old saying goes, “prevention is better than cure”. The varicella vaccine will provide the best protection for your children against chickenpox.
As recommended, everyone should get two doses of the varicella vaccine, especially those that haven’t had prior experience with chickenpox. Children should get their initial dose at 12-15 months and have their booster shot at 4-6 years old. Although this doesn’t completely eradicate the chances of acquiring the disease, the symptoms can be milder and lesser when it occurs.
Chickenpox symptoms in adults can be much more severe. You may want to consider getting the vaccine, yourself. However, for those who already had chickenpox, be aware that you can develop shingles. There is a vaccination to prevent a shingles outbreak. If you have any questions, ask us about it at your next checkup. If you think your child may have chickenpox, give us a call. You may also want to consider a virtual appointment.